Sedation Dentistry in York, ON

Sedation Dentistry Near You

Did you know that sedative dentistry practices aren’t just recommended for patients who suffer from dental anxiety? Such treatment is also great for patients who have a hard time sitting still or have extreme oral sensitivity.

At our community dental practice, we provide sedation dentistry in York. So, if you’d like to gather more information about this process, feel free to give us a call.

sedation dentistry in York

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is sometimes referred to as sleep density. It is a specific form of treatment designed to help patients relax and alleviate their pain as well as any fears that they have about receiving dental work.

There are a few different levels of sedation medication that your dentist can provide you with:

  1. Minimal – When you’re given a local anesthesia injection during a dental filling treatment or a root canal, you’re receiving minimal sedation. You’ll be awake but won’t experience any pain and can respond to your dentist if they talk to you.
  2. Moderate – You’ll be feeling quite woozy throughout the appointment; some patients may even end up going to sleep. Oral sedation (taking a pill) is a form of this.
  3. Deep – Deep sedation means that you won’t remember much of the treatment at all because you’ll most likely fall asleep. In this case, the medication is typically administered through an IV. Your vitals will be closely monitored.
  4. General anesthesia – You are put completely to sleep and won’t remember anything about your treatment. This is very common in hospitals. Dentists must receive specialized training to provide this form of sedation; an anesthesiologist can be brought in for the treatment as well.

Have questions or concerns at all? Speak with your dentist for more information about sedation dentistry near you. They’ll walk you through the process from start to finish so you know what it entails.

Reasons for Treatment

As mentioned, many people may be eligible for sedation dentistry due to multiple circumstances. They are:

  • You have a low pain tolerance.
  • The treatment is long/complicated/invasive.
  • You have extreme oral sensitivity.
  • An overactive gag reflex.
  • Have trouble sitting still or feel claustrophobic in the dental chair.
  • The patient has special needs.

Book Your Visit with Us Today!

At Keele Crosstown Dental, we offer sedation dentistry in York. This treatment is safe and effective for patients of all ages. If you’re interested in learning more, or you’re ready to schedule an appointment, you can reach our staff via email, telephone, or by stopping by and seeing us in person at 2563 Eglinton Ave.